WEEKS 26 TO 40 / SEMANAS 26 A 40

WEEKS 26 TO 40 / SEMANAS 26 A 40








- Personal information - Review

-  Verbs review

- Present progressive

- Prepositions of place:Givin directions

- Simple Present – Review

- WH questions: what, where, how, when, why - Review

- Vocabulario básico: :(parts of the house, objects in the house, places of 

the town, jobs, dates, countries, nationalities, celebrations, carnivals, festivals(vocabulary).

- Evaluación tipo saber - Auto evaluaciónn.


Indicador(s) de desempeño

• Identificar frases y expresiones relacionadas con características 

de personas, celebraciones y lugares en textos orales y escritos cortos.

• Producir oraciones simples sobre características de personas 

celebraciones y lugares de manera oral y escrita.

• Intercambiar información sobre características de personas y 

lugares a través de preguntas y oraciones, gustos e intereses en 

una conversación sencilla.



How are the most popular celebrations around the word?

our Colombian

WEEKS  26th, 27th and 28th    12-08-2024

TOPIC:  Review of verbs

Purpose: Repasar saludos, despedidas, informción personal y verbos más 

usuales del ingles.

REFLECTION: The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.

 (La única persona que estás destinada a ser es la persona que tu decidas ser – 

Ralph Waldo Emerson)




Learn this verbs

To come (tu cám)..... venir
To go (tu góu).......... ir
To put (tu pút)......... poner
To take (tu téik)....... tomar
To give (tu guív)....... dar
To get (tu guét)....... conseguir
To keep (tu kíip)....... mantener
To let (tu let)........... dejar
To make (tu méik)..... hacer
To do (tu dúu).......... hacer
To seem (tu sím)....... parecer 
To say (tu séi).......... decir
To see (tu síi)........... ver
To send (tu sénd)...... enviar
To be (tu bíi)............ ser o estar
To have (tu jáv)....... haber o tener
To drink (tu drin)......beber
To  read (tu rid)......leer
To write (tu rai).......escribir
To play (to plei).....jugar
To dance (tu dans).........bailar o danzar
To help (tu help).......ayudar
To sing (tu sing).........cantar
To study (tu estady)........estudiar
To look (tu luk)........mirar
To think (tu dink)......pensar
To eat (tu it).......comer

Read and carefully the following verbs, join them with their corresponding in Spanish, 

finally spell it follow the first example I will give you below.

Go…venir, see…jugar, put…poder, give…mirar, do…estudiar,

Say, cantar,send, enviar,be, ser o estar,To have, bailar o danzar, drink, ayudar

read, escribir, Write…leer, play…ver, dance…haber o tener, help…beber, sing… 

decir, study…hacer, look…dar, can...poner, eat…ir, come… comer, want…querer


Read the following dialogue carefully and organize it in the appropriate order.

Susan:    Yes, may I help you?

Peter:  I want to register in the Vacation Club

Susan : Thank you, see you on monday.

Peter: How old are you?

Susan: Peter Logan          

Peter: I am 20 years old

Susan:  What's your address?

Peter: My address is 9th street and 4th avenue, house # 7.

Susan: Ok, the club starts on monday

Peter: My telephone number is 72489860

Susan: What's your telephone number?

Peter: All right. What's your name?


WEEK - SEMANA 29 - 30   2-09-2024

TOPIC: Prepositions

Purpose: Recognize the vocabulary of place prepositions and use it with 

the simple present of the verb to be

Reflection: The smile is the only virus that does not harm the soul.


Prepositions: they are words to describe where something is.

On - encima de

Under - debajo de

In - en

Inside - adentro

Outside - afuera

In front of - en frente de

Behind - atrás

Next to - al lado

Between - entre (dos)

Among - entre muchos

Across from - del otro lado (también se dice "opposite")

Opposite - del otro lado

Above - arriba

Below - abajo

Around - alrededor

On the right - a la derecha

On the left - a la izquierda




Práctice 1

Based on the prepositions in the list below, select the correct preposition in the sentences 

based on the position on the map. Point 1 is already solved as an example.

next to - al lado
between - entre
across from - del otro lado de la calle

  1. The police station is______ the bank and the store.
  1. Between
  2. Next to
  3. Across from
  1. The drug store is____________ the police station.
  2. Between
  3. Next to
  4. Across from

3.  The school is__________ the restaurant.

  1. Between
  2. Next to
  3. Across from

4.  The train station is__________ the school.

  1. Between
  2. Next to
  3. Across from

5.  The drug store is_______________ the movie theater and the post office.

  1. Between
  2. Next to
  3. Across from

Práctice 2

Prepositions of place in context videos



Select the correct preposition based on the position in the drawing.

on - encima de
under - debajo de
in - en

  1. The cat is________ the table.
  1. On
  2. Under
  3. in
  1. The vase (florero) is_________ the table.
  2. On
  3. Under
  4. In
  1. The flowers are_________ the vase.
  2. On
  3. Under
  4. In


WEEK 31th- SEMANA  31 / 16th - 09-2024

TOPIC: Parts of the house

Purpose: Reconocer el vocabulario de las preposiciones de lugar y usarlo con

el presente simple del verbo to be.

Reflection: He who is slow to anger has great understanding


Parts of the house odd words



Room   habitación                                    
balcony   balcón
bathroom  baño
bedroom   dormitorio
dining room   comedor
living room     salón
sitting room     sala de estar
garage     garaje
kitchen      cocina
basement     sótano
cellar    bodega
attic     ático
study  estudio
door       puerta
doorbell  timbre
letter box     buzón
window      ventana
roof      techo
chimney     chimenea
staircase/stairs       escalera
apartment    departamento

Make a model with the parts of the house in english



COMPRENSIÓN DE TEXTOS-. El enunciado de cada una de estas preguntas (1 a 4) es una definición o descripción de un sitio de la casa. Lee detenidamente cada descripción y escoge cada una de las opciones  que la identifica en forma lógica y coherente.

1. In this place we cook the food that we eat.

A.     Kitchen

B.     Bathroom

C.    Bedroom

D.    Garage

2. In this place we eat the food that we cook.

A.     Kitchen

B.     Dining room

C.    Bedroom

3. In this place we park our car.

A.     Kitchen

B.     Bathroom

C.    Bedroom

D.    Garage

4. In this place we take showers and brush our teeth.

A.     Kitchen

B.     Bathroom

C.    Bedroom

D.    Garage



WEEK 32nd - 33rd  SEMANA 32 - 33 / 23rd -09-2024

TOPIC: There is - there are

PURPOSE: Reconocer el uso de there is – there are, how many – how much

Reflection: There is always hope to believe in God




 hablan de la existencia o no-existencia de las cosas, como en español hay.

Por ejemplo…

Hay algo de café en la cocina. = There is some coffee in the kitchen

Hay dos personas en la casa. = There are two people in the house

Usamos there is para singular 

There is a bus stop on the corner.

Usamos there are

There are six cats in the living room.

Tomado de https://madridingles.net/como-usar-there-is-there-are/

Activity  1

There a lot of fruit on the table.
There three bananas in the fruit bowl.
There nobody in the car.
There two mice in the cup.
There a lot of sweets in the shop.

Activity 2

DIÁLOGOS INCOMPLETOS-. En estas preguntas el enunciado es un diálogo incompleto. Debes escoger la opción (A-D) que completa el diálogo en forma lógica y coherente.


Luis: Good morning

Yeiner: Good morning 

Luis: How many chairs are there?
Yeiner: __________________

A: There are eight chairs

B: There are one chair.

C: There is two chair

D: There is three chairs.


Peter: ___________ sweets are there in the shop?

Janet: There are a lot of sweets

Peter: Thank you.

Janet: don’t mention it.

  1. How many
  2. How much
  3. Is there
  4. Are there

Carlos: How many bananas are there?

Natalia: _____________four bananas the fruit bowl

Carlos: Ok. You are right

Natalia: See you tomorrow!

  1. There
  2. There is
  3. There are
  4. Are there

Fuente: https://madridingles.net/how-much-how-many-contable-e-incontable/


WEEK 34th - SEMANA 34  / 14th -10-2024

TOPIC: how many – how much

AIM: Reconocer el uso de how many – how much

Reflection: Everybody at school works together helping to collect rubbish

 How much and how many


sustantivo contable se refiere a algo que se puede contar

Sample: three people, twenty-five cats, a million dollars, two cookies, five bottles, four apples,

seven gigabytes, sixteen potatoes, etc.

Sustantivo incontables: Se refiere a todo lo que se puede contar.

 rice, water, meat, money, time, fruit, bread.

How much = cuánto (se usa para preguntar la cantidad de algo incontable)

How much meat should I buy? Hm. I guess you should get a kilo

How many = cuántos (se usa para preguntar el número de algo contable).

How many apples did you eat? Not many. Just two, I think

 Escoge entre How many are there? o How much is there?

Fuente: https://www.englishspanishlink.com/ejercicios-ingles/much-many_8.htm


Completa los recuadros con How much o How many.

eggs are there?
There are eight eggs.

chocolate is there?
There is a bar of chocolate.

sausages are there?
There are five sausages.

bread is there?
There is a kilo of bread.

students are there?
There are four students.



WEEK 35th - SEMANA 35  /   21nd -10-2024

TOPIC: : this, these, that, those

AIM: Comprender el uso de los adjetivos demostrativos This, these, that and those

Reflectión: Only God can do it wonderful




  • this / these se utilizan para hablar de objetos o personas que están cerca del locutor:

Sample = Can I have this piece of cake?

  • that /those se utilizan para hablar de objetos o personas que están lejos del locutor:

Sample : Can you pass me that dictionary over there?

Practice 1

Completa las siguientes oraciones usando “this”, “that”, “these”, “those”.

1. book here isn't very interesting but books over there are great.
2. Take glass here and put it in the cupboard, please!
3. is the funniest film ever! We can't stop laughing.
4. Jane, come and smell flowers! Aren't they lovely?
5. young man on the other side of the street is my brother.



CONSTRUCCIÓN DE ORACIONES-. Cada enunciado es una oración en desorden. Escoge la opción  que completa mejor el enunciado teniendo en cuenta que su organización y coherencia sean correctas.

1. are / there / how / beds/ ? / many /

  1. How many beds there are?
  2. How many beds are there?
  3. How much beds are there?
  4. How many are there beds?

2. The / train station / across from / the /school / is /

  1. The train station is school across from
  2. The train station school is across from
  3. The train station is across from the school
  4. Train station the is across from the school

3. is/ the / hospital / next/ the / to/ church /

  1. is the hospital next to the church
  2. The hospital is next the to church
  3. The hospital next to is the church
  4. The hospital is next to the church

4. The /drug store is / and / the/ post office/ the/ movie theater/ Between /

  1. The drug store is the movie theater and the post office between
  2. The drug store between and the movie theater is the post office
  3. The drug store between is the movie theater and the post office
  4. The drug store is between the movie theater and the post office
WEEK 36th - SEMANA 36  /  28th  -10-2024

TOPIC: Present progressive and w

AIM: Reconocer el Present progressive

Reflection: There is always hope when I wait for God.


Present progressive


Expanding knowledge - What are you doing right now?


Write the correct --ing forms.

swim -___                 stop - _____            use - ______           clap - _____

study-  ___               see -   _____            shop - _____          smile - _____                                

like - ____                drink - _____           look - ______          fly - _____



Make sentences negative and interrogative.

1 They are reading.                              4 He is doing his homework.

2 She is drinking tea.                           5 You are reading.

3 We are sleeping.                              6 It is walking



Complete the sentences using the present continuous


1 Children _____ (play) football.

2 The boy ______(drive) a car.

3 The boy ______(fly) a kite.

4 Children ______(have) a good time.

5 The girl ______(ride) a bike.



Complete the sentences. Use the present continuous.

1 We ________ (go) to the museum on Friday.

2 I _____(meet) Kate in a café this evening.

3 They ______(have) picnic on Sunday.

4 What ____ you ____ (do) next week?

5 She _____ (make) a cake tonight.

6 ____ he _____(go) to the zoo tomorrow?

7 We _________ (play) tennis this afternoon.

8 He_________ (not work) this evening.


WEEKS 37th - SEMANA 37th   / 4th -11-2024


Aim: Identificar meses y celebraciones nacionales

REFLECTION: With God all is more easy


-Repaso del presente simple en forma afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa:





Dear Susan.

I want to tell you about colombia's celebration. in our country we have an interesting

activities such as:Friendship and love day on September, we give each other presents.

On October is the kids'day. On November it's the wonderful month, because all the

students finish to study. December... ¡Oh my God! It's the greatest month of the year,

let's go to vacations¡ But on January and on February, we come back to classes to study.

Between March and on April, Colombia celebrates the holy week. on May it's the mother's

day and on June follow the father's day. On July, we celebrate the independence's day.

and finally August, It's in memory of battle of boyaca.

These are the colombia's celebrations.


Answer the next questions according to reading

  1. Write the months in the correct order
  2. What happens on each month





Responde en forma completa las siguientes preguntas de informacion personal

  1. What is your name?-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. What is your last name? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3. What is your full name? -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4. Where were your born? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5. When were your born? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  6. Where and who do you live with? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  7. Where do you practice sports? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  8. How many brothers and sister do you have?-------------------------------------------------------------------------
  9. What time do you get up?---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  10. What time do you go to bed? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  11. What your favorite music, food, sport and TV program?

Leer más: https://villafacilingles.webnode.com.co/products/secuencia-semana-1-y-2/




Questions about countries: Escoge un país, dibuja su bandera, preséntate con tu nombre, edad, nacionalidad,
idioma,  y lo que más te gusta hacer y haz las siguientes preguntas:

Where are you from? –
what is your nationality? –
what language do you speak? 

Country (País) Nationality (Nacionalidad) Spanish
  Canadian Canadá, Canadiense
  Colombian Colombia, Colombiano-a


WEEK 38th - SEMANA 38 / 11 -11- 2024

TOPIC: Review wh questions: what, where, how, when.

Aim: Repaso de las wh questions

Reflectión: Nothing is impossible for God


Fully answer the following Wh questions

  1. What is your name?-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. What is your last name? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3. What is your full name? -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4. Where were your born? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5. When were your born? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  6. Where and who do you live with? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  7. Where do you practice sports? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  8. How many brothers and sister do you have?-------------------------------------------------------------------------
  9. What time do you get up?---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  10. What time do you go to bed? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  11. What your favorite music, food, sport and TV program?

WEEK 39 and 40th- SEMANA 39 y 40   / 18th -11- 2024

TOPIC: Review topics from previous activities

Aim: Repaso, de las competencias estudiadadas

REFLECTIONTo be yourself is all what you can do. 

(Ser tu mismo es todo lo que puedes hacer)



-Como proyecto final  realizar, utilizando el vocabulario

y con las estructuras gramaticales aprendidas durante  el periodo, un mapa de una ciudad.

-Etiquetar cada lugar y escribir lo que algunos personajes están haciendo y como llegar de

un lugar a otro, además de diferentes recomendaciones de lo que se puede o no hacer

para mantener el ambiente sano.